Classification of multiple gallbladders

Case contributed by Leonardo Lustosa
Diagnosis not applicable

Illustrations of the classification of multiple gallbladders according to Harlaftis et al., including all subtypes of variation and type 4, which was not initially described.

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Case Discussion

Multiple gallbladders represent a rare variant. Current evidence does not suggest they have a different natural history with single gallbladders (est. 2023).

Multiple gallbladders can be difficult to diagnose on ultrasonography. Because of this, they tend to be identified intra-operatively.

Surgical excision of all gallbladders is indicated in symptomatic stone disease.

Type 2 multiple gallbladders (separated cystic ducts) cannot be preoperatively differentiated from a Todani II bile duct cyst (bile duct diverticulum), which is associated with a risk of malignant transformation.

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