Closed loop intestinal obstruction

Case contributed by Mina Sameh Rizk
Diagnosis almost certain


Severe abdominal pain and distension with vomiting. Past history of hysterectomy and appendectomy.

Patient Data

Age: 50 years
Gender: Female

The small bowel loops are dilated and there are two transition points at the terminal ileum, resulting in a strangulated segment (closed loop) with a thickened and engorged wall.

The colon is collapsed.

Mild ascites is noted.

No evidence of perforation.

White arrows: afferent/proximal transition point

Green arrows: efferent/distal transition point

Red circle: strangulated/closed loop

Case Discussion

This case presents classic findings of closed loop obstruction with two transition points and a strangulated loop in between. In this case, the most likely cause of closed loop obstruction is postoperative adhesions resulting from a previous appendectomy. Other causes include hernia and volvulus.

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