Compressive myelopathy

Case contributed by Albina Polianskaia
Diagnosis certain


Chronic neck pain

Patient Data

Age: 35 years
Gender: Female

Severe cervical degenerative changes that cause obliteration of the subarachnoid space greater than 50% at the C2-C4 levels without deformity of the spinal cord.

There are foci of increased T2 signal bilaterally in the central grey matter at the level of the C3-C4 disc (snake eye sign, also known as owl-eyes sign) suggestive of compressive myelopathy.

Case Discussion

This case illustrates the typical appearance of the cervical cord owl-eyes sign also known as snake-eyes sign secondary to chronic compressive myelopathy with kyphotic deformity.

It's believed to represent a wide range of pathological changes resulting from spinal cord compression, from reversible edema and inflammation to irreversible ischemia and cystic necrosis.

Case courtesy of Dra. Ana Cecilia Sánchez González.

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