Locally advanced prostate cancer

Case contributed by Bahman Rasuli
Diagnosis certain


Known case of prostate cancer under medical treatment. PSA elevation >35 ng/ml.

Patient Data

Age: 85 years
Gender: Male

Enlarged prostate ( 40*45*55 mm) infiltrated with T2 hypointense tumor with areas of water restriction extending anteriorly into the bladder base, laterally into the distal ureters with dilation of proximal ureters, posteriorly into the seminal vesicles and mesorectal fascia.

Multiple enlarged heterogeneous lymphadenopathies are seen next to the internal iliac chain in both sides with maximum SAD up to 15 mm.

Case Discussion

The recent patient previously was a known case of prostatic adenocarcinoma at TRUS biopsy a year ago under medical antihormonal treatment.

Regarding the imaging in findings, prostatic adenocarcinoma with local invasion and internal iliac chains metastatic lymphadenopathies is seen(MRI putative stage:T4N1Mx).`  

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