Multiple rib bifurcations on right side

Case contributed by Muhammad Shoyab
Diagnosis certain


Headache, vertigo, tremor.

Patient Data

Age: 35 years
Gender: Male

X-Ray Chest P/A View


Bifurcation at anterior shaft of 1st, 3rd & 6th ribs on right side.

Right 2nd intercostal space is slightly reduced as compared to left.

Lung fields clear. No other significant finding.

Case Discussion

Rib bifurcation is a normal anatomical variant which is mostly of academic interest only, and is almost always an incidental finding.

An exception to this is rule of thumb is right-sided 4th rib bifurcation, which is a component of Gorlin -Goltz syndrome, whose final diagnosis is based on specific major and minor criteria.

Another potential importance of rib bifurcations is the possibility of entrapment of intercostal neurovascular bundles.

Reduction of intercostal space may also represent reduced lung expansion in this part, which may predispose to accumulation of secretions, thus increasing the possibility of localized lung infection.

In this present case, multiple rib bifurcations on the same side makes it different from other cases.

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