PVL following neonatal heart surgery

Case contributed by Joseph Scheller
Diagnosis certain


Full term child found to have coarctation of the aorta

Patient Data

Age: 3 days
Gender: Female

First head ultrasound at 3 days. Coarctation repair at 5 days. Head ultrasound repeated at 3 weeks.


Head ultrasound at 3 days is normal.



Head ultrasound at 3 weeks  demonstrate mild ventriculomegaly and periventricular cysts.

Study at 6 weeks demonstrates moderate ventriculomegaly, atrophy, and periventricular leukomalacia.

Case Discussion

Periventricular leukomalacia is typically associated with complications of the premature baby. This is a case of PVL in a fullterm as a complication of congenital heart disease and its repair

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