Rectal anatomy (illustrations)

Case contributed by Andrew Murphy
Diagnosis not applicable

Sagittal illustrations


Sagittal cross-sections of typical female and male anatomy of the rectum, with the peritoneal cavity depicted in blue. Note that the level at which the peritoneum folds back on itself (i.e. the peritoneal reflection) can vary and is not a fixed anatomic point.

Oblique axial illustrations


Illustrations of the oblique axial rectum. Depicting the anterior peritoneal reflection, mesorectal fascia, mesorectum, longitudinal muscle layer, submucosa and mucosa.

Note how the rectum is variably covered by mesorectal fascia and peritoneum from superior to inferior.

Coronal illustration


Illustration of the rectum in the coronal plane.

Case Discussion

These are simplified illustrations of the rectum in different planes. It is essential to understand the relationship of the rectum to the peritoneal folds and mesorectum when staging rectal cancer.

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