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19 results found

Renal papillary necrosis (mnemonic)

Mnemonics for the causes of renal papillary necrosis are plentiful and include: NSAID POSTCARDS AD SPORT C: a list of causes in decreasing order of incidence DINASOR Mnemonics NSAID Most common causes: N: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) S: sickle cell disease A: acetamin...

Medullary nephrocalcinosis (mnemonic)

A mnemonic used to remember the etiology of medullary nephrocalcinosis is: HAM HOP Mnemonic H: hyperparathyroidism A: (renal tubular) acidosis M: medullary sponge kidney/ milk-alkali syndrome H: hypercalcemia/hypercalciuria O: oxalosis P: papillary necrosis See also cortical nephrocal...

Cortical nephrocalcinosis (mnemonic)

Mnemonics for common causes of cortical nephrocalcinosis are: COAG GOAT Mnemonics COAG C: cortical necrosis O: oxalosis A: Alport syndrome G: glomerulonephritis (chronic) GOAT G: glomerulonephritis (chronic) O: oxalosis A: Alport syndrome/ acute cortical necrosis T: transplant rejec...

Systemic lupus erythematosus (mnemonic)

A mnemonic to remember the clinical features of systemic lupus erythematosus is: MD SOAP BRAIN Mnemonic M: malar "butterfly" rash D: discoid rash S: serositis O: oral ulcers A: ANA positive P: photosensitivity, pleuritis/pericarditis B: blood (hematologic) abnormality R: renal disease ...

Bladder wall calcification (mnemonic)

A mnemonic for the causes of bladder wall calcification is: CREST Mnemonic C: cystitis post radiation therapy/chemotherapy/chronic infection R: radiation E: eosinophilic cystitis S: schistosomiasis T: tuberculosis

Bladder calcification (mnemonic)

A simple mnemonic to recall the common causes of bladder calcification is: SCRITT Mnemonic S: schistosomiasis C: cytotoxic: see radiation and chemotherapy induced cystitis R: radiation: see radiation and chemotherapy induced cystitis I: interstitial cystitis T: tuberculosis T: transition...

UTI-causing microorganisms (mnemonic)

A mnemonic to remember the commonest micro-organisms responsible for urinary tract infections (UTIs) is: KEEPS Mnemonic K: Klebsiella spp. E: Enterococcus faecalis / Enterobacter cloacae E: Escherichia coli P: Pseudomonas aeruginosa / Proteus mirabilis S: Staphylococcus saprophyticus / S...

von Hippel-Lindau disease (mnemonic)

Features of von Hippel-Lindau disease can be remembered by the mnemonic: HIPPEL Mnemonic: H: hemangioblastoma of CNS I: increased risk of renal cell cancer P: pheochromocytoma P: pancreatic lesions (cyst, cystadenoma, cystadenocarcinoma, neuro-endocrine tumors) E: eye and ear dysfunction ...

Ejaculatory pathway of sperm (mnemonic)

A useful mnemonic to remember the ejaculatory pathway of sperm is: SEVEN UP Mnemonic S: seminiferous tubules of the testes E: epididymis V: ductus deferens E: ejaculatory duct N: nothing U: urethra P: penis

Hydronephrosis (mnemonic)

The causative factors leading to hydronephrosis can be recalled using this mnemonic: RUNS Mnemonic R: retroperitoneal fibrosis U: urolithiasis N: neoplastic mass (cervical cancer) S: stenosis of pelvi-ureteric junction

Hematuria causes (mnemonic)

A mnemonic to remember the commonest causes of hematuria is: I PEE RBCS Mnemonic I: infection P: pseudohaematuria (menses, dark urine) E: exercise E: external trauma R: renal glomerular disease B: benign prostatic hypertrophy C: cancer S: stones

Dialysis indications (mnemonic)

A mnemonic to remember the basic indications of dialysis is HAVE PEE Mnemonic H: hyperkalemia (refractory) A: acidosis (refractory) V: volume overload E: elevated BUN > 35 mM P: pericarditis E: encephalopathy E: edema (pulmonary)

Post renal transplant fluid collections (mnemonic)

Following renal transplant, different perinephric fluid collections tend to present at different times in the postoperative period. These can be remembered in order using the mnemonic: HEAL Mnemonic H: hematoma (immediate) E: encapsulated urine collections/urinomas (1-2 weeks) A: abscess (3...

Solitary filling defect in ureters (mnemonic)

Solitary filling defect with a ureter, as seen on conventional IVU or CT IVU has a few differentials which can be remembered using this mnemonic: CUPS MET Mnemonic C: clot U: ureteric stone P: polyp S: sloughed papilla   M: metastasis E: endometriosis T: tuberculosis, transitional cell...

Multiple filling defects of ureter (mnemonic)

Multiple filling defects within a ureter, as seen on conventional IVU or CT IVU, have a relatively small differential which can be learned using this mnemonic: CUT SLIM Mnemonic C: clots U: ureteritis cystica T: transitional cell carcinoma (TCC)   S: stones, Stevens-Johnson syndrome L: l...

Germ cell tumors (mnemonic)

A mnemonic for the differential diagnosis for germ cell tumors is: SECTE Mnemonic S: seminoma E: embryonal cell carcinoma C: choriocarcinoma T: teratoma E: endodermal sinus tumor (yolk sac tumor)

Male urethral segments (mnemonic)

A helpful mnemonic to remember the 4 segments of the male urethra from proximal to distal is: Pet My Beautiful Pig Mnemonic P: prostatic M: membranous B: bulbous P: penile Posterior urethra equates to the prostatic and membranous urethras.  Anterior urethra equates to the bulbous and peni...

Spermatic cord contents (mnemonic)

Handy mnemonics to recall the contents of the spermatic cord are: Papers Don't Contribute To A Good Specialist Level 3 arteries, 3 nerves, 3 fascias, 3 other things Mnemonics Papers Don't Contribute To A Good Specialist Level P: pampiniform plexus D: ductus deferens C: cremasteric artery ...

Layers of the scrotum (mnemonic)

A handy mnemonic to recall the layers of the scrotum is: Some Damn Englishman Called It The Testes Mnemonic S: skin D: dartos fascia and muscle E: external spermatic fascia C: cremasteric fascia I: internal spermatic fascia T: tunica vaginalis T: tunica albuginea

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