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16 results found

Salter-Harris fracture classification (mnemonic)

Useful mnemonics for remembering the Salter-Harris classification system are: SALTR SMACK SMETI Fortunately, this is also the order of prognosis (from best to worse) Mnemonics SALTR S: slipped (type I) A: above or away from joint (type II) L: lower (type III) T: through or transverse o...

Right-to-left shunt (mnemonic)

A useful mnemonic to remember the differential diagnoses associated with right-to-left cardiovascular shunts is: 1-5 Mnemonic 1: a combination vessel; truncus arteriosus 2: number of arteries involved; transposition of the great arteries 3: "tri-" means 3, the number of leaflets involved; t...

Complications of pulmonary interstitial emphysema (mnemonic)

A useful mnemonic to remember the complications of pulmonary interstitial emphysema is that the most common ones begin with: pneum- Mnemonic pneumatocele pneumothorax pneumomediastinum pneumoperitoneum

Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (ultrasound measurements mnemonic)

Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis can be characterized on ultrasound by the measurements of the hypertrophic muscle. Although the criteria can vary from publication to publication, an easy way to keep in mind the values is using a mnemonic which relies upon remembering the first digits of the number...

Rickets (mnemonic)

A mnemonic to remember the radiological features of rickets is: RICKETS Mnemonic R: reaction of the periosteum I: indistinct cortex C: coarse trabeculation K: knees, wrists and ankles mainly E: epiphyseal plates widened and irregular  T: tremendous metaphysis S: spur (metaphyseal)​

Gracile bones (mnemonic)

The causes of gracile bones can be recalled with the following mnemonic: NIMROD Mnemonic NIMROD N: neurofibromatosis I: immobilization/paralysis M: muscular dystrophy, e.g. Duchenne muscular dystrophy R: rheumatoid arthritis (juvenile RA) O: osteogenesis imperfecta D: dysplasia, e.g. Ma...

Pediatric posterior fossa tumors (mnemonic)

Tumors of the posterior fossa in children can be remembered using the mnemonics: MAGE BEAM Mnemonics MAGE This mnemonic is in order of prevalence (except for atypical teratoid/ rhabdoid tumor, which is a rare cause); medulloblastoma (30-40%), pilocytic astrocytoma (25-35%), brainstem glioma...

Five Ts of cyanotic congenital heart disease (mnemonic)

A mnemonic to remember the most important congenital heart defects associated with cyanosis is: 5 Ts Mnemonic T: tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) T: transposition of the great arteries (TGA) T: truncus arteriosus T: total anomalous pulmonary venous return (TAPVR) T: tricuspid valve abnormalities...

Lymphangioleiomyomatosis diagnostic criteria (mnemonic)

A mnemonic to remember the diagnostic criteria of lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) is: THRALL PVC ​Mnemonic T: tuberous sclerosis H: HRCT characteristic or compatible lung findings of LAM RA: renal angiomyolipoma L: lymphatic malformations L: lung biopsy-proven LAM   P: pneumothorax ​V: V...

Bone within a bone appearance (mnemonic)

A useful mnemonic to remember the possible etiologies of a bone within a bone appearance is: GHOST DRAGON Mnemonic G: growth arrest lines H: heavy metals, hypoparathyroidism, hypothyroidism O: osteopetrosis S: sickle cell anemia, scurvy, syphilis T: thalassemia, tuberculosis D: disease o...

Surgically-created cardiac shunts (mnemonic)

A mnemonic for surgically-created cardiac shunts for congenital heart disease is: Great Flow Really Would Be Perfect​ The mnemonic is ordered by the position of the shunt antegrade to normal blood flow through the heart, proceeding from the systemic venous system into the right heart, and then...

Bochdalek hernia features (mnemonic)

A helpful mnemonic for remembering the features of a Bochdalek hernia is: 5 Bs Mnemonic B: Bochdalek B: big B: back and lateral, usually on the left side B: baby B: bad (associated with pulmonary hypoplasia) To remember the side in which a Bochdalek hernia more commonly occurs (and to co...

Potter syndrome (mnemonic)

A helpful mnemonic to remember the common clinical features of Potter syndrome is: POTTER Mnemonic P: pulmonary hypoplasia O: oligohydramnios T: twisted skin (wrinkly skin) T: twisted face (Potter facies: low set ears, retrognathia, hypertelorism) E: extremity deformities (limb deformitie...

Elbow ossification (mnemonic)

Mnemonics for elbow ossification include CRITOE and CRITOL. These are essentially the same, apart from the terminal letter which represents the External or Lateral epicondyle. Mnemonics CRITOE C: capitellum R: radial head I: internal epicondyle T: trochlea O: olecranon E: external epicon...

Edwards syndrome characteristics (mnemonic)

A mnemonic to remember the characteristics of Edwards syndrome is: EDWARDS Mnemonic E: eighteen (trisomy 18) D: digit-overlapping flexion W: wide head A: absent intellect (intellectual disability) R: rocker-bottom feet D: diseased heart S: small lower jaw

Causes of cone-shaped epiphysis (mnemonic)

A useful mnemonic for remembering the causes of cone-shaped epiphysis is: ABCDE MOST Mnemonic A: achondroplasia, acrodysostosis B: Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome C: chondroplasia punctata, Cockayne syndrome, conorenal syndrome, cleidocranial dysplasia, cartilage-hair hypoplasia D: dactylitis,...

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