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322 results found


Uveitis refers to inflammation of the uveal tract, which may be idiopathic, infective or inflammatory 1. It is a sight threatening condition that requires urgent ophthalmologist review. Epidemiology Incidence estimates vary widely, with a recent meta analysis suggesting a pooled incidence of ...

Anti-phospholipase A2 receptor antibody

Anti-phospholipase A2 receptor antibody (Anti-PLA2R) is an antibody test that is used in the immunohistochemical evaluation of membranous nephropathy (i.e. in differentiation of primary versus secondary) which in is one of the commonest causes of nephrotic syndrome. It may play a role a negating...

Cor triatriatum dexter

Cor triatriatum dexter is a rare congenital anomaly wherein the right atrium of the heart is divided into two pseudo chambers by a membranous fold 1. Epidemiology It accounts for significantly less than 0.1% of all congenital heart defects 2. The more common cor triatriatum sinister has a high...

Flail mandible

A flail mandible is an uncommon type of comminuted fracture through the mandibular symphysis and bilateral condyle and/or rami which can result in posterior displacement and internal rotation of the mandibular bodies, eversion of the angles of the mandible, and glossoptosis. Together with concom...


Sessile is a pathological term which is used for lesions that are attached by their base, that is they lack a stalk i.e. are not pedunculated. It is most commonly used for intraluminal polyps in the GI tract. History and etymology Sessile is derived from the Latin word "sessilis" which means s...

Oncotype DX Breast Recurrence Score

Oncotype DX Breast Recurrence Score (Exact Sciences, USA) is a proprietary 21-gene expression assay that is prospectively validated and provides prognostic information on the 10-year risk of disease recurrence in estrogen receptor positive, lymph node-negative breast cancer patients 1. This gene...

Citric acid cycle

The citric acid cycle, also known as the Krebs cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle, is a central metabolic pathway in cells. It involves a series of chemical reactions that oxidize acetyl-CoA derived from carbohydrates, fats, and proteins to produce energy in the form of ATP and electron carriers ...

Neuronal nuclear antigen (NeuN)

Neuronal nuclear antigen (NeuN) is a protein expressed in mature (post-mitotic) neurons and is commonly used as an immunohistochemical target to identify neuronal differentiation (e.g. in ganglioglioma and gangliocytomas). It is primarily expressed in the nuclei of neurons with less pronounced...

Grocott-Gomori methenamine silver stain

Grocott-Gomori methenamine silver (GMS) stain is a histological stain frequently used to screen specimens for fungal organisms. The procedure relies on the presence of polysaccharides along the fungal cell wall. During the staining process, chromic acid is first applied to the specimen which ox...

Bone grafting of reverse Hill-Sachs defects

Bone grafting of reverse Hill-Sachs defect is the surgical restoration of the humeral head due to compromised shoulder stability from large defects, which in patients without significant glenoid bone loss who have good bone stock, preserved articular cartilage, and humeral head defect between 20...

Helicobacter pylori

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a gram-negative spiral flagellate microaerophilic bacterium found in the human gastric mucosa 1. It is classified as a Group I carcinogen and is considered necessary but insufficient alone to cause gastric adenocarcinoma. More often than not, it results in chro...

Ahumada-Del Castillo syndrome

Ahumada-Del Castillo syndrome is a rare endocrine disorder affecting adult females, which is characterized by galactorrhea-amenorrhea not associated with pregnancy with estrogen deficiency and decreased urinary gonadotropin levels. Clinical presentation lactation not associated with breastfeed...

Hartnup disease

Hartnup disease is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by the defective transport of neutral amino acids (monoamino-monocarboxylic acids) in the small intestine and kidneys. Clinical presentation pellagra-like skin eruptions cerebellar ataxia signs of spastic paraplegia with peripheral ne...

Greater tubercle fracture of the shoulder

Greater tubercle/tuberosity fractures of the shoulder are a subtype of proximal humeral fractures. Gross anatomy The greater tubercle is the most lateral bony part of the shoulder. It is the site where three of the rotator cuffs insert to abduct or laterally rotate the shoulder joint (supraspi...


Helium (chemical symbol He) is a noble gas and the least reactive of all the chemical elements. It is important as a cryogenic coolant in many MRI scanners. Chemistry Physical chemistry Helium is an odorless colourless non-flammable gas. It has an atomic number 2 with a relative atomic weight...


Hydrogen (chemical symbol H) is one of the basic organic elements, and all organic compounds contain hydrogen. It is the commonest element in the visible universe comprising greater than 75% of all matter. Chemistry Physical chemistry Hydrogen is an odorless, tasteless and colourless gas. It ...


Carbon (chemical symbol C) is one of the basic organic elements, and is a fundamental constituent of all organic molecules - and therefore all terrestrial life. Its unique versatility in forming different compounds comes from its ability to form multiple atomic bonds with itself. Chemistry Phy...

Von Brunn nests of the bladder

Von Brunn nests are non-neoplastic reactive urothelial lesions that occur in the bladder. They represent clusters of urothelial cells found in the superficial lamina propria resulting from the invagination of the superficial urothelium. Histologically, those nests generally show uniform size a...

Perianal genital warts

Perianal genital warts, also known as condyloma acuminata (singular: condyloma acuminatum), are a complication of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. They are diagnosed clinically and are usually painless and benign, but can rarely undergo malignant transformation into squamous cell carcinoma....

Microcephaly with a simplified gyral pattern

Microcephaly with a simplified gyral pattern (MSG) is a congenital malformation characterized by microcephaly accompanied by a simplified gyral pattern. The term “simplified gyral pattern” often describes a reduced number of gyri and shallow sulci with a normal cortical thickness and architectur...

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