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1,387 results found

Abdominal and pelvic anatomy

Abdominal and pelvic anatomy encompasses the anatomy of all structures of the abdominal and pelvic cavities. This anatomy section promotes the use of the Terminologia Anatomica, the international standard of anatomical nomenclature. 

Abdominal aorta

The abdominal aorta (plural: aortas or aortae 4) is the main blood vessel in the abdominal cavity that transmits oxygenated blood from the thoracic cavity to the organs within the abdomen and to the lower limbs. Summary origin: continuation of descending thoracic aorta at T12  course: descend...

Abdominal aortic aneurysm

Abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) are focal dilatations of the abdominal aorta measuring 50% greater than the proximal normal segment or >3 cm in maximum diameter. They can be confined to the abdominal aorta or continue from the thoracic aorta as part of a thoraco-abdominal aneurysm (TAAA). The...

Abdominal aortic aneurysm rupture

Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) rupture is a feared complication of abdominal aortic aneurysm and is a surgical emergency. It is part of the acute aortic syndrome spectrum. Epidemiology Abdominal aortic aneurysms are common and affect ~7.5% of patients aged over 65 years 6. The risk of ruptur...

Abdominal aortic aneurysm (summary)

This is a basic article for medical students and other non-radiologists Abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) are focal dilatations of the abdominal aorta that are 50% greater than the proximal normal segment or >3 cm in maximum diameter. Reference article This is a summary article; read more in o...

Abdominal aortic injury

Abdominal aortic injuries are a very rare form of traumatic aortic injury and are much less common than thoracic aortic injury.  Epidemiology Aortic injury occurs in <1% of blunt trauma patients, with abdominal aortic injury representing only ~5% of all aortic injuries 1. Males are more freque...

Abdominal compartment syndrome

Abdominal compartment syndrome is a disease defined by the presence of new end-organ dysfunction secondary to elevated intra-abdominal pressure. Radiological diagnosis is difficult and usually suggested when a collection of imaging findings are present in the appropriate clinical setting or if t...

Abdominal radiology for students (curriculum)

This is a basic article for medical students and other non-radiologists Abdominal radiology curriculum for medical students is broadly split into content that refers to imaging (the test and findings) and conditions that are considered key for this stage of training. Some non-abdominal conditi...

Abernethy malformation

Abernethy malformations are rare vascular anomalies of the splanchnic venous system. They consist of congenital portosystemic shunts resulting from the embryonic vessels' persistence.  Epidemiology Type I malformations are thought to occur only in females, while type II has a male predominance...

Aberrant internal carotid artery

Aberrant internal carotid artery is a variant of the internal carotid artery and represents a collateral pathway resulting from involution of the normal cervical portion (first embryonic segment) of the internal carotid artery 5. Gross anatomy There is consequent enlargement of the usually sma...

Aberrant left pulmonary artery

Aberrant left pulmonary artery, also known as pulmonary sling, represents an anatomical variant characterized by the left pulmonary artery arising from the right pulmonary artery and passing above the right main bronchus and in between the trachea and esophagus to reach the left lung. It may lea...

Aberrant right subclavian artery

Aberrant right subclavian arteries (ARSA), also known as arteria lusoria, are among the commonest aortic arch anomalies.  Epidemiology The estimated incidence is 0.5-2% 1. Associations as can be expected from the embryological development of the artery, the right recurrent laryngeal nerve is...

Abnormal ductus venosus waveforms

Abnormal ductus venosus waveforms can arise in a number of conditions ranging from aneuploidy to vascular malformations and fetal tumors. "A wave" reversal can be seen in 5% of euploid fetuses 9. Pathology Abnormal waveforms in fetal ductus venosus flow assessment can occur in a number of situ...

Absent azygos vein

An absent azygos vein is a very uncommon variant in which the azygos vein fails to develop. In cases of agenesis of the azygos vein, the hemiazygos and accessory hemiazygos veins play an important role in venous drainage, accounting for drainage of both the right and left intercostal veins 1-3. ...

Absent ductus venosus

Agenesis of the ductus venosus (ADV) is a rare fetal vascular anomaly. Epidemiology According to the data obtained from the screening tests performed at 11-14 weeks of pregnancy, its incidence is reported to be 1/2500 12. Pathology In a large case series, Acherman et al. 13 defined five drai...

Absent infrarenal inferior vena cava

An absent infrarenal inferior vena cava can be congenital, due to the failure of development of the posterior cardinal and supracardinal veins, or acquired, as a result of intrauterine or perinatal inferior vena cava thrombosis. Epidemiology It is an extremely rare anomaly. Clinical presentat...

Acceleration index

Acceleration index is an indirect sonographic sign to assess renal artery stenosis 1. Usage Acceleration index is used in the Doppler assessment of the renal arteries when assessing for renal artery stenosis. Measurement Acceleration index is calculated by subtracting the initial systolic ve...

Access guidewires

Access guidewires are interventional procedures wires used during the first steps of interventions, to secure stable access and sheaths/catheter insertion. They are quickly exchanged for a navigation wire thereafter. The most common access wires are1: Cope Mandril wire Nitrex wire Properties...

Accessory appendicular artery

The accessory appendicular artery, also known as the artery of Seshachalam, is a branch of the posterior cecal artery. It arises from the ileocolic artery, and runs in the mesoappendix. The exact prevalence of this accessory artery and its impact upon the risk of appendicitis varies among studi...

Accessory hemiazygos vein

The accessory (or superior) hemiazygos vein forms part of the azygos system and along with the hemiazygos vein, it is partially analogous to the right-sided azygos vein. It drains the left superior hemithorax.  Terminology Spelling it "hemiazygous" when referring to the vein is incorrect, rega...

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