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46 results found

AO Spine classification of sacral injuries

The AO Spine classification of sacral injuries aims to simplify and universalise the process of classifying sacral injuries and improve interobserver and intraobserver reliability. The AO Spine sacral classification is broken into three subsections that follow a hierarchical structure similar t...

Risser staging system

The Risser staging system is used to grade skeletal maturity based on the level of ossification and fusion of the iliac crest apophyses. It is used primarily in planning corrective surgery for scoliosis as a marker for skeletal maturity, which is a surrogate for growth velocity and potential, wh...

Modified Memphis criteria for blunt cerebrovascular injury

The modified Memphis criteria are a set of screening criteria for blunt cerebrovascular injury (BCVI) in trauma. The presence of one or more of these criteria makes necessary a complementary CTA or DSA study to exclude a BCVI. The screening protocol criteria for BCVI are: base of skull fractur...

Anderson and D'Alonzo classification of odontoid process fracture

The Anderson and D'Alonzo classification is the most commonly used classification of fractures of the odontoid process of C2 1. Another classification system is the Roy-Camille classification, which aids more in the management of odontoid fractures. Classification type I rare fracture of th...


Spondylolisthesis (plural: spondylolistheses) denotes the slippage of one vertebra relative to the one below.  Terminology Although etymologically, it is directionless (see below) and could be applied to both anterolisthesis and retrolisthesis, in practice, spondylolisthesis is used synonymous...

Meyerding classification of spondylolisthesis

The Meyerding classification of spondylolisthesis grades the severity of the slip. Usage This classification was originally developed for anterolistheses but can be adapted for retrolistheses, and some publications have done so 3. Classification To determine the grade of spondylolisthesis us...

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