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73 results found

Moyamoya syndrome

Moyamoya syndrome, also termed the moyamoya pattern or phenomenon, is due to numerous conditions that can cause arterial occlusion of the circle of Willis, with resultant collaterals, and appearances reminiscent of moyamoya disease. These conditions include 1-4 : vessel wall abnormalities int...

Raynaud phenomenon

Raynaud phenomenon, also known as Raynaud syndrome, describes a localized vasculopathy whereby there is an exaggerated vascular response to cold temperature or emotional stresses. Terminology Raynaud phenomenon is classified as being either 'primary' or idiopathic, or 'secondary' to another un...

PHACE syndrome

PHACE syndrome, also known as cutaneous hemangioma–vascular complex syndrome or Pascual-Castroviejo type II syndrome, is a phakomatosis that comprises of: P: posterior fossa malformations (e.g. Dandy-Walker malformation) H: hemangiomas A: arterial anomalies C: coarctation of the aorta and ca...

May-Thurner syndrome

May-Thurner syndrome refers to a chronic compression of the left common iliac vein (CIV) against the lumbar vertebrae by the overlying right common iliac artery (CIA), with or without deep venous thrombosis 2. Although both left and right CIVs lie deep to the right common iliac artery, the left...

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome comprises a heterogeneous group of collagen disorders (hereditary connective tissue disease). Epidemiology The combined prevalence for all types of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is estimated to be at least 1 of every 5000 individuals. There is no significant gender predominance...

PIK3CA-related overgrowth spectrum (PROS)

PIK3CA-related overgrowth spectrum (PROS) is a broad group of segmental overgrowth disorders that can occur with or without associated vascular anomalies, caused by activating mutations in the PIK3CA gene, which are also responsible for the vast majority of isolated lymphatic malformations and s...

Budd-Chiari syndrome

Budd-Chiari syndrome, also known as hepatic venous outflow obstruction (HVOO), refers to the clinical picture that occurs when there is partial or complete obstruction of the hepatic veins.  There is no clear consensus regarding the number of occluded veins, some authors claim that there should...

Eagle syndrome

Eagle syndrome refers to symptomatic elongation of the styloid process or calcified stylohyoid ligament 1,2. It is often bilateral. In most cases, the cause is unknown; however, the condition is sometimes associated with disorders causing heterotopic calcification such as abnormal calcium/phosph...

Neurovascular compression syndromes

Neurovascular compression syndromes are a form of vascular compression disorders where there is usually compression or distortion of a cranial nerve due to a redundant or aberrant vascular structure. Clinical presentation Not all cases of neurovascular contact are clinically symptomatic. Prese...

Phlegmasia cerulea dolens

Phlegmasia cerulea dolens (PCD) is an uncommon complication of deep venous thrombosis, which results from extensive thrombotic occlusion of the major and collateral veins of an extremity (usually the legs). Epidemiology Left leg is more commonly affected than the right 4. Risk factors Risk f...

Wyburn-Mason syndrome

Wyburn-Mason syndrome (also known as Bonnet-Dechaume-Blanc syndrome) is a rare, nonhereditary neurocutaneous disorder that typically presents with unilateral vascular malformations that primarily involve the brain, orbits and facial structures. It is currently classified as a cerebrofacial arter...

Anterior choroidal artery syndrome

Anterior choroidal artery syndrome is a rare entity caused by cerebral infarction in the anterior choroidal artery territory. Clinical presentation In its complete form, the syndrome is characterized by the triad of 7: contralateral hemiplegia contralateral hemisensory loss contralateral ho...

Terson syndrome

Terson syndrome refers to intraocular hemorrhage in patients with intracranial hemorrhage. Terminology The traditional definition of Terson syndrome was vitreous hemorrhage associated with subarachnoid hemorrhage. However, there is also a broader definition which captures intraocular hemorrhag...

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