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1,109 results found

Interstitial cystitis

Interstitial cystitis, also known as bladder pain syndrome, is a chronic, non-infectious, inflammatory condition of poorly understood etiology that affects the urinary bladder. It is defined as urinary bladder pain and irritative symptoms of more than six months duration. It usually represents a...

Suprapubic cartilaginous cyst

Suprapubic cartilaginous cysts (SPCC) are rare cystic lesions arising from the symphysis pubis thought to be degenerative in origin. They have also been called retropubic or subpubic cysts. Epidemiology In the small number of cases in the literature, all bar one patient, have been female. The ...

Testicular appendix

A testicular appendix (alternatively called appendix of testis or appendix testis, and historically also known as hydatid of Morgagni) represents a developmental remnant of the paramesonephric duct (Müllerian duct) which is situated in the upper pole of the testis inside a groove between the tes...

Emphysematous cystitis

Emphysematous cystitis refers to a gas-forming infection of the bladder wall. Epidemiology The condition is rare and usually confined to certain patient subgroups. Median age affected is 66 years. More common in women, 2:1 F:M 9. Risk factors Risk factors include: diabetes mellitus conside...

Cystitis cystica

Cystitis cystica is the same condition as ureteritis cystica and is closely related to cystitis glandularis. It is a relatively common chronic reactive inflammatory disorder that occurs in the setting of chronic irritation of the bladder mucosa. Epidemiology Cystitis cystica is seen in various...

Congenital urachal anomalies

Congenital urachal anomalies are a spectrum of potential anomalies that can occur due to incomplete involution of the urachus. Epidemiology A urachal remnant occurs in approximately 1 in 5000 patients. Pathology The urachus connects the dome of the bladder to the umbilical cord during fetal ...

Spotted nephrogram

A spotted nephrogram is a descriptive term indicating an appearance of patchy, segmental and subsegmental renal parenchymal enhancement. Pathology The pattern is indicative of focal areas of cortical ischemia or necrosis, as a result of small vessel occlusion. This abnormal perfusion pattern c...

Testicular arteries

The testicular arteries (also known as the spermatic arteries) are the long, small-diameter gonadal arteries in the male that supply the testis alongside the cremasteric artery and the artery to the ductus deferens.  Gross anatomy Origin As paired structures they arise symmetrically, slightly...

Cardiorenal syndrome

Cardiorenal syndrome is the association between cardiac failure and renal failure. Pathology Cardiorenal syndrome can manifest as a new onset of renal failure, or the aggravation of chronic renal failure within the ambit of an acute or chronic heart failure exacerbation. Sometimes it can occu...

Bladder calculus

Bladder calculi, commonly referred to as bladder stones, are urinary stones that are found primarily in the urinary bladder and comprise only 5% of all urinary tract stones. They can be divided into primary, secondary, and migratory stones: primary: bladder stones form in the absence of other u...

Asbestos-related diseases

Asbestos-related disease, in particular affecting the lung, comprise of a broad spectrum of entities related to the inhalational exposure to asbestos fibers. They can be divided into benign and malignant processes 1-3. Benign pleural and parenchymal lung disease asbestos-related benign pleural...

Extratesticular cystic lesions (differential)

The differential diagnosis for extratesticular cystic lesions includes: hydrocele epididymal cyst spermatocele hematoma hematocele loop of bowel from an inguinal hernia abscess pyocele post-vasectomy varicocele Very rarely, a scrotal mesothelioma may present as a cystic mass.

Extra-adrenal myelolipoma

Extra-adrenal myelolipomas are extremely rare myelolipomas that occur outside the adrenal glands, with the most common sites being the retroperitoneum (especially presacral region 7), perirenal space and the thorax. Epidemiology The exact incidence is unknown. Less than 60 reported cases were ...

Clear cell renal cell carcinoma

Clear cell renal cell carcinoma is the most common type of renal cell carcinoma.  Epidemiology The average age of onset of sporadic clear cell renal carcinoma is 61 years. In cases associated with von Hippel-Lindau disease, the average age of onset is 37 years 1. Clinical presentation Patien...

End-stage renal disease

End-stage renal disease, also referred as end-stage renal failure or end-stage kidney disease, corresponds to the last stage of chronic kidney disease (stage 5), when the kidneys' function is no longer sufficient to sustain life (GFR <15 mL/min/1.73m2) and kidney replacement therapy (dialysis or...

Testicular epidermoid cyst

Testicular epidermoid cysts, also known as keratocysts, are rare benign tumors. Epidemiology Testicular epidermoid cysts account for around 1-2% of all testicular masses and typically present in mid-adulthood (2nd to 4th decades) 1,2. They are the most common type of benign testicular neoplasm...

Urinary bladder

The urinary bladder (more commonly just called the bladder) is a distal part of the urinary tract and is an extraperitoneal structure located in the true pelvis 6. Its primary function is as a reservoir for urine.  Gross anatomy The bladder has a triangular shape with a posterior base (fundus)...

Percutaneous nephrolithotomy

Percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) is a surgical procedure for the extraction of large renal calculi. It is usually performed in the operating theater either by a urologist or combined urologist-radiologist team. Indication PCNL is used to destroy and remove renal calculi, typically over 2 cm...

Persistent nephrogram

Persistent nephrograms occur when intravenous contrast media is retained by both kidneys for more than 3 minutes. Terminology Persistent nephrograms are characteristically bilateral and are usually distinguished from delayed nephrograms, which occur unilaterally.  Pathology Etiology systemi...


A loopogram is a fluoroscopic study of an ileal conduit. An ileal conduit is a type of urinary diversion. A loopogram is used to show the structure of the ileal conduit, ureters, renal pelvis, and renal calyces 2. Some authors defined loopogram as water-soluble contrast stomal enema that access...

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