Chronic otomastoiditis with ossicular erosion

Case contributed by Bhuwan Bhatta
Diagnosis almost certain


Conductive hearing loss.

Patient Data

Age: 16 years
Gender: Female

HRCT petrous temporal bone


Near complete opacification of the left middle ear cavity, aditus ad antrum, mastoid antrum and mastoid air cells with involvement of Prussak space with mild blunting of left scutum and minimal erosion of long process of left incus – left otomastoiditis with likely cholesteatoma.

Bilateral hypopneumatization of mastoid air cells.

Operative findings

Granulation tissue is present over the middle ear, attic, aditus ad antrum. The lenticular process and long process of Incus are eroded. Malleus present. Stapes footplate and crus are intact and mobile. Incudostapedial joint separated. Sinus plate, dural plate and sinodural angle are intact.

Case Discussion

CT findings in case of chronic otitis media include opacification of mastoid antrum, mastoid air cells and middle ear cavity. Presence of opacity within Prussak space along with erosion of scutum and ossicles indicates likely cholesteatoma requiring mastoidectomy.

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