Anterior choroidal artery infarct


Anterior choroidal artery infarction secondary to occluded left internal carotid artery.

The anterior choroidal artery originates from the posterior wall of the internal carotid artery between the origin of posterior communicating artery (PCOM) and the internal carotid termination. It may also arise from the middle cerebral artery (MCA).

 Vascular territory

  • hippocampus and amagydala
  • posterior limb of the internal capsule
  • optic tract
  • lateral geniculate nucleus and lateral aspect of thalamus
  • lateral aspect of the midbrain
  • choroid plexus of the anterior part of the temporal horns of the lateral ventricles

AChA syndrome 1

  • consists of contralateral hemiplegia, contralateral hemi hypoesthesia, and homonymous hemianopsia,
    • Hemi plegia/paresis secondary to posterior limb of the internal capsule involvement.
    • Hemi hypoesthesia/loss ventral postero lateral nucleus of the thalamus involvement.
    • Hemianopsia secondary to lateral geniculate body involvement.
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