Pulmonary inflammatory pseudotumor


Female presented with intermittent right chest pain and shortness of breath for a few months. A right lower lobe nodule was found on chest x-ray and a PET/CT was performed for further characterization. The nodule was found to be hypermetabolic. The patient was sent for right lower lobe wedge resection for a presumed bronchogenic carcinoma vs. peripheral pulmonary carcinoid tumor.

Pathology results:

Gross Description: Received in formalin designated "Right Lower Lobe" is the product of a wedge biopsy of the lung. On sectioning a mass is identified in the center parenchyma coming within 0.2 cm from the pleural surface measures 2.2 x 1.2 x 1.0 cm. It is rubbery in consistency and tan white in color.

Immunohistochemistry staining demonstrates polytypic plasma cells within the lesion; the spindle cells show a smooth muscle phenotype. These findings support the findings of inflammatory pseudotumor, plasma cell granuloma subtype.

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