The ASCOD classification system 1, published in 2013, aims to define phenotypes of ischaemic strokes for individual patients by assigning a degree of probability to each of the most common causes of this pathology.
It serves most strictly as a research tool but is also useful clinically as a mnemonic to consider common causes of ischaemic stroke.
Compared to alternative classification systems that assign only one cause to each individual stroke and often have an "undefined" category, the ASCOD system allows classification of each stroke by detailing multifactorial causes and their relative probability of causation.
On this page:
The ASCOD classification, not fully detailed here, offers objective criteria for each of the following diseases based on imaging, laboratory and clinical evaluations:
includes criteria such as stenosis >50% of an artery supplying the ischaemic territory, endoluminal thrombus or occlusion
small-vessel disease
includes criteria such as lacunar infarcts, leukoaraiosis and microbleeds
cardiac pathology
includes findings such as mitral stenosis, recent myocardial infarction, documented atrial fibrillation, endocarditis
other causes
amongst others: dolichoectasia with complicated aneurysm, systemic lupus, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, sickle cell disease, moyamoya disease
ideally documented with MRI or CT
For each letter in the system, a grade is assigned:
1: the disease is present and can potentially be a cause
2: the disease is present, but the causal link is uncertain
3: the disease is present, but the causal link is unlikely
0: the disease is absent
9: the workup is insufficient to grade the disease
History and etymology
The ASCOD classification replaces the ASCO classification 2 published in 2009, with the addition of the letter "D" to take into account the importance of arterial dissection in the genesis of ischaemic stroke, particularly in young patients.