A generalised delay in skeletal maturation has different causative or aetiological factors, these can be classified as follows:
chronic ill health
congenital heart disease (especially cyanotic)
chronic renal disease
malnutrition: failure to thrive (FTT)
maternal deprivation
infant of toxaemic mother
endocrine disorders
hypothyroidism: cretinism and Van Wyk Grumbach syndrome
hypopituitarism with growth hormone deficiency (e.g. idiopathic, craniopharyngioma)
hypogonadism (e.g. Turner syndrome)
Cushing disease / steroid therapy
diabetes: juvenile
Addison disease (adrenal insufficiency): uncommon
hypoparathyroidism: uncommon
systemic diseases
chromosomal disorders
congenital disorders
congenital syndromes of dwarfism or intellectual disability
neurologic disorders
cerebral hypoplasia
others: (normal variation)
small for gestational age neonate
idiopathic: familial short stature