The distal intersection syndrome relates to tenosynovitis of the extensor pollicis longus (EPL) tendon (3rd extensor compartment), where it crosses the extensor carpi radialis longus (ECRL) and brevis (ECRB) tendons (2nd extensor compartment) 1. It is distinct from intersection syndrome which occurs more proximally in the forearm at the intersection of the first and second extensor compartments.
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Gross anatomy
The crossing of the second extensor compartment is typically located just distal to Lister’s tubercle. The tendon sheaths of the EPL and the ECRB are connected by a communicating foramen 2. This is probably why inflammation of the EPL tendon spreads to the second compartment or vice versa.
Clinical presentation
Pain and swelling over Lister’s tubercle. Less commonly, local crepitus during thumb movements.
Various mechanisms, including:
attrition is related to a biomechanical pulley effect by Lister’s tubercle (overuse syndrome)
direct blunt trauma of the EPL tendon
distal (not necessarily displaced) radius fracture
Trauma is the most frequent cause. EPL tenosynovitis usually occurs within 8 weeks, but can still be found years after an injury.
Risk factors
degenerative carpal joint disease
Radiographic features
May show peritendinous oedema and fluid within the tendon sheaths at the intersection point between the 2nd and 3rd dorsal extensor tendon compartments 6.
Typically shows features of peritendinous oedema (peritendinitis) around the 2nd and 3rd extensor compartment tendons, extending proximally from the crossover point of the EPL in the dorsal wrist.
Treatment and prognosis
An early operative release is advocated due to a high risk of EPL tendon rupture (drummer boy’s palsy) 3.
Differential diagnosis
On imaging consider: