This article contains a list of commonly used medical abbreviations and acronyms that start with the letter N and may be encountered in medicine and radiology (please keep the main list and any sublists in alphabetic order).
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - misc
asparagine (single letter amino acid code)
newton (SI derived unit of force)
n: nano (SI prefix for 10-9)
N2O: nitrous oxide
Na: sodium (Latin: natrium)
NAA: N-acetylaspartic acid
NACT: neoadjuvant chemotherapy
no abnormality detected
nil abnormality detected
NAPH: non-aneurysmal perimesencephalic subarachnoid hemorrhage
NASCET: North American symptomatic carotid endarterectomy trial
Nb: niobium
NBCA: N-butyl-2 cyanoacrylate (embolization glue)
NBF: Neville Barnes forceps
NBM: nil by mouth
NC: non-contrast
NCAP: neck chest abdomen pelvis
NCP: nursing care plan
NCS: nerve conduction studies
Nd: neodymium
NDT: nasoduodenal tube
Ne: neon
NEDA: no evidence of disease activity (usually multiple sclerosis)
NERD: non-erosive reflux disease
NESB: non-English speaking background
NET: neuroendocrine tumor
NEX: number of excitations
no fixed abode
no fixed address
NFPA: non-functioning pituitary adenoma
NFR: not for resuscitation
NG: new growth (old-fashioned euphemism for cancer)
ng: nanogram/nanogramme
NGS: next-generation sequencing
NGT: nasogastric tube
NH: nursing home
NHL: non-Hodgkin lymphoma
NHR: nursing home resident
NHS: National Health Service (UK)
Ni: nickel
NICE: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (UK)
neonatal intensive care unit
neurological (neurosurgical/neurosciences) intensive care unit
NIH: National Institutes of Health (US)
nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation
non-invasive positive pressure ventilation
NIS: sodium-iodide symporter
NIV: non invasive ventilation
NJT: nasojejunal tube
NKA: no known allergies
NKDA: no known drug allergies
NLD: nasolacrimal duct
NMDA: N-methyl-D-aspartic acid
NMIBC: non-muscle invasive bladder cancer
NMO: neuromyelitis optica
NMSC: non-melanoma skin cancer
NNH: number needed to harm
NNT: number needed to treat
NO: nitric oxide
non-vitamin K oral anticoagulant agent
novel oral anticoagulant agent
NOE: naso-orbitoethmoid
neck of femur
NOH: neck of humerus
NOS: not otherwise specified
Norad: norepinephrine
Np: neptunium
NPL: no perception of light
NPO: nil per os (Latin: nothing by mouth)
NPPV: non-invasive positive pressure ventilation
NPWT: negative pressure wound therapy
NRFHR: non-reassuring fetal heart rate
NRI: nerve root injection
NRS: numeric rating scale
NSCLC: non-small cell lung cancer
NSR: normal sinus rhythm
NUCOG: neuropsychiatry unit cognitive assessment tool
nullips: nullipara
N&V: nausea and vomiting
N/V: nausea, vomiting
NVC: neurovascular conflict/compression
nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
normal vaginal delivery
NVvR: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Radiologie (Dutch Radiological Association)
NWB: non-weight bearing
NYD: not yet determined
NYHA: New York Heart Association
NZ: New Zealand