Radiopaedia 2025 (July 21-25) is a five-day virtual radiology conference featuring lectures, panel discussions and case workshops delivered by expert speakers. Registration is free for Radiopaedia All-Access Pass holders and for individuals in 125 low and middle income countries. Alternatively, there is conference-only registration with tiered pricing to foster equitable access. Neuroradiology, Head & Neck, Chest Imaging, Abdominal Imaging, Breast Imaging, Musculoskeletal Imaging and more! A live session will commence every 4 hours with delegates able to chat and view cases in realtime. Post-event on-demand access will extend for 120 days for all-access pass holders and 30 days for conference-only attendees. Interactive case sets, anatomy review sessions and educational posters will appear alongside the lecture and workshop program. rPoster abstract submissions are now open. We look forward to you joining us in July for the ultimate online radiology event! ~ Lea Alhilali, Bhavna Batohi & Joe Mullineux |
- Imaging of memory loss: what not to forget Lea Alhilali
- Brain MRI case reporting set Frank Gaillard
- A differential guide to intracranial masses Tabby Kennedy
- Imaging of CNS lymphoproliferative disease Tom Campion
- Spinal CSF leaks: updates in diagnosis and treatment Lalani Carlton Jones
- Non-neoplastic cystic lesions of the CNS Tilak Das
- Hippocampus anatomy review Michael Nel & Andrew Dixon
- Cerebral venous anatomy review Michael Nel & Craig Hacking
Head & Neck Imaging
- Evaluation of pituitary lesions Jennifer Gillespie
- Cystic neck lesions case reporting set Andrew Dixon
- Post-radiation effects and complications in the neck Christine Glastonbury
- Neurovascular compression syndromes Francis Deng
- Pulsatile tinnitus case reporting set Daniel Gewolb
- Deep neck spaces anatomy review Michael Nel
Workshops and rPosters
- Neuroradiology case workshop Lea Alhilali & Frank Gaillard
- Neuroradiology rPosters Proffered presentations
- Head & Neck rPosters Proffered presentations
Chest Imaging
- Lung nodule CT case reporting set Miranda Siemienowicz
- Pulmonary aspergillosis: imaging patterns & pitfalls Jeffrey Kanne
- Myocarditis: cardiac MRI evaluation Kate Hanneman
- Interstitial lung abnormality: why it's important Jonathan Chung
- Mediastinal mass case reporting set Sally Ayesa
- Mediastinal compartments anatomy review Michael Nel
- Pulmonary embolus imaging: more than meets the eye Ralph Drosten
- Global status of lung cancer screening Jeffrey Kanne
- Imaging of cardiac masses John Dreisbach
- Cardiac valvular anatomy review Michael Nel
Breast Imaging
- Breast MRI case reporting set Bhavna Batohi
- New technologies in breast imaging Rema Wasan
- Fundamentals of breast ultrasound Bhavna Batohi
- Breast implant assessment with MRI Katerina Ntailiani
Workshops and rPosters
- Chest imaging case workshop Miranda Siemienowicz & Sally Ayesa
- Breast imaging rPosters Proffered presentations
- Chest imaging rPosters Proffered presentations
- Nuclear Medicine rPosters Proffered presentations
Abdominal Imaging
- Gallbladder disease: diagnosis to intervention Joe Mullineux
- Primary sclerosing cholangitis and its mimics Katy Hickman
- Pancreatitis: diagnosis and image guided therapy Ed Godfrey
- Diverticular disease of the GI tract Michael Hartung
- Entering the abdomen: abdominal biopsies and drains Matt Lukies
- Radiology showdown: papillary RCC vs clear cell RCC Matt Morgan
- Peritoneal space anatomy review Michael Nel
- Peritoneal disease case reporting set Michael Hartung
- Imaging of gastric procedures and devices Carla Goncalves
- Prostate MRI case reporting set Joe Mullineux
- Prostate anatomy review Michael Nel & Vikas Shah
Gynecologic Imaging
- Fibroids: an imaging update Nishat Bharwani
- Deep dive into endometriosis and adenomyosis Emmeline Lee
- Embolization for gynecologic disorders Heather Moriarty
- Uterine tube anatomy review Michael Nel
Workshops and rPosters
- Abdominal imaging case workshop Vikas Shah & Joe Mullineux
- Abdominal imaging rPosters Proffered presentations
- Vascular & Intervention rPosters Proffered presentations
- Obstetrics & Gynecology imaging rPosters Proffered presentations
Musculoskeletal Imaging
- Snapping musculoskeletal conditions Chris Newman
- Ultrasound of groin hernias David Elias
- Knee dislocations: ligament and meniscal findings Angela Atinga
- Soft tissue injuries around the ankle Manickam Kumaravel
- Symptomatic anatomic variants: upper limb Matt Skalski
- Symptomatic anatomic variants: lower limb Matt Skalski
- Cervical spine trauma case reporting set Bhavna Batohi
- Brachial plexus MRI and neuropathy scoring (NS-RADS) Avneesh Chhabra
- Brachial plexus anatomy review Michael Nel
- Imaging of craniovertebral junction injuries Sameer Raniga
- Cervical vertebral anatomy review Michael Nel
Pediatric Imaging
- Pediatric x-ray essentials: chest Jeremy Jones & Andrew Murphy
- Pediatric x-ray essentials: abdomen Jeremy Jones & Andrew Murphy
- Pediatric x-ray essentials: musculoskeletal Jeremy Jones & Andrew Murphy
- Pediatric liver lesions case reporting set Ryan Thibodeau
Workshops and rPosters
- Musculoskeletal imaging case workshop Andrew Dixon & Chris Newman
- Musculoskeletal imaging rPosters Proffered presentations
- Pediatric imaging rPosters Proffered presentations
Exploring non-clinical themes and perspectives in radiology
- Forensics in focus
- Learning from errors
- Beyond Earth
- Patient perspective
- Charting career paths
Delegates will be able to generate a conference attendance certificate. While many organizations may accredit it as CME/CPD, due to the global nature of the event, we are only able to pre-approve those listed below. You can view relevant financial disclosures for our conference convenors here.
AMA PRA Category 1 Credit ™
This activity is planned and designated for a maximum of 64 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. The final number of credits will be confirmed upon completion of the activity's review process.
Accreditation statement
Radiopaedia is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
Claiming credits
AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™ are recognized by many other non-US accrediting bodies and we encourage you to check with your local organization prior to claiming credits.
The UEMS-EACCME® and AMA signed an agreement of mutual recognition of CME credits between Europe and the USA.
Free Registration
Registration is free for Radiopaedia All-Access Pass holders and in 125 low and middle income countries with extended 120 day post-event access. You may wish to obtain an all-access pass if you haven't got one, or proceed to the paid registration section.
All-Access Pass
Radiopaedia All-Access Pass holders are eligible for free conference registration
Learn moreIncludes 120 days on-demand
Renewal required if pass expires
Free Access
If you are from a low or middle-income region you may be eligible for free registration
Learn moreIncludes 120 days on-demand
Paid Registration
To foster equitable access our pricing varies with your country income tier. We also offer concession pricing to trainee doctors and non-doctors. Includes 30 days post-event access. Single day registration not available
Standard Registration
For consultant/attending physicians across all specialties. Provides registration for the virtual conference with 30-day post-event access and CME certificate.
Tier 1
$420.00 USD
Virtual conference registration with 30 day post-event access
Tier 1 Country
Tier 2
$260.00 USD
Virtual conference registration with 30 day post-event access
Tier 2 Country
Tier 3
$160.00 USD
Virtual conference registration with 30 day post-event access
Tier 3 Country
Concession Registration
For non-physicians and trainee physicians, such as residents and registrars. Provides registration for the virtual conference with 30-day post-event access and CME certificate. Proof of concession status is required after payment.
Tier 1 - Concession
$260.00 USD
Virtual conference registration with 30 day post-event access
Tier 1 Country
Tier 2 - Concession
$160.00 USD
Virtual conference registration with 30 day post-event access
Tier 2 Country
Tier 3 - Concession
$100.00 USD
Virtual conference registration with 30 day post-event access
Tier 3 Country