Osteoporosis is a metabolic bone disease characterised by decreased bone mass and skeletal fragility.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) operationally defines osteoporosis as a bone mineral density T-score less than -2.5 SD (more than 2.5 standard deviations under the young-adult mean), which is measured by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA), in postmenopausal women and men at least 50 years old. The reference standard site of bone mineral density analysis is the femoral neck, but other sites such as the lumbar spine can be used. A clinical diagnosis of osteoporosis may also be established without bone mineral density measurement by the presence of a fragility fracture, particularly at typical sites (spine, hip, pelvis, wrist, humerus, or rib).
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Risk factors
The WHO diagnostic criterion for osteoporosis is not sufficient to identify patients who are at high risk of fracture. The following risk factors, in addition to femoral neck bone mineral density, are used in FRAX (Fracture Risk Assessment Tool), which calculates a 10-year probability of major osteoporotic fracture (hip, clinical spine, humerus, or wrist fracture) and hip fracture 11:
sex (females have a higher risk)
age (older adults have a higher risk)
body mass index (lower body mass carries higher risk)
prior fragility fracture
parental history of hip fracture
current tobacco smoking
daily alcohol consumption of at least 3 units
long-term use of oral glucocorticoids (more than 3 months at a dose equivalent to as least 5 mg daily prednisolone)
other causes of secondary osteoporosis, including
type 1 diabetes mellitus
osteogenesis imperfecta in adults
untreated long-standing hyperthyroidism
premature menopause (<45 years)
chronic malnutrition
chronic liver disease
HIV/AIDS, especially with some antiretroviral therapy (ART) (e.g. tenofovir disoproxil fumarate) 12
Clinical presentation
Osteoporosis per se is asymptomatic and is most often diagnosed when individuals are evaluated based on risk factors or following presentation with fragility fracture.
Osteoporosis is essentially decreased bony tissue per unit volume of bone. There is no microstructural and biochemical change as occurs in osteomalacia or rickets. Hence the mineral-to-osteoid ratio is normal (cf. osteomalacia in which the mineral-to-osteoid ratio is decreased).
Osteoporosis can be localised or diffuse and be divided into:
primary: no cause is identifiable
postmenopausal (type 1): occurs in 50-65-year-olds females; disproportionate loss of cancellous bone as compared to cortical bone resulting in more involvement of cancellous bone-rich areas, like vertebrae and ends of long bones
senile (type 2): occurs in the elderly; proportionate loss of cortical and cancellous bones affecting long bones
idiopathic juvenile osteoporosis
secondary (type 3): occurs due to a range of causes including
endocrine disease (e.g. Cushing syndrome, hyperthyroidism, hyperparathyroidism, diabetes mellitus) 7
chronic illness (e.g. COPD, chronic liver disease, multiple sclerosis, coeliac disease) 7
chronic inflammation (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis)
medications (e.g. steroids, phenytoin, carbamazepine, some ART such as tenofovir disoproxil fumarate)
nutritional disturbances 6 (e.g. malnutrition, anorexia)
muscular dystrophies (e.g. Duchenne muscular dystrophy) - can be due to inherent derangement in calcium metabolism or due to steroid treatment 9
There is a different list of secondary causes for juvenile osteoporosis with some overlap with adult causes.
Radiographic features
Decreased bone density can be appreciated by decreased cortical thickness and loss of bony trabeculae in the early stages in radiography. Bones like the vertebra, long bones (proximal femur), calcaneum and tubular bones are usually looked at for evidence of osteoporosis. Nevertheless, dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) is the gold standard of diagnosing osteoporosis 10.
Plain radiograph
not a sensitive modality, as more than 30-50% bone loss is required to appreciate decreased bone density on a radiograph
vertebral osteoporosis manifests as
pencilling of vertebrae
loss of cortical bone and trabecular bone (ghost vertebra)
compression fractures and vertebra plana (Genant classification of vertebral fractures)
prominent vertical (primary) trabeculae with thinning of horizontal/secondary trabeculae in vertebral bodies
loss of trabeculae in the proximal femur area, which is explained by Singh's index (and can also be seen in the calcaneum)
in tubular bones (especially metacarpals), there will be thinning of the cortex
cortical thickness <25% of the whole thickness of the metacarpal signifies osteoporosis (normally 25-33%)
Bone mineral density measurement
Bone mineral density (BMD) measurement is the method of estimation of calcium hydroxyapatite. Multiple x-ray based, gamma-ray based and ultrasonic methods are available:
radiographic absorptiometry (RA)
single photon and x-ray absorptiometry (SPA)
dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA)
most commonly used and most reliable
quantitative computed tomography can be used
Based on DEXA BMD can fall into three categories 10:
normal (low risk of fracture)
osteopenic (medium risk)
osteoporotic (high risk)
Quantitative CT attenuation values correlate with traditional bone mineral density measurements 10. On routine CTs (performed at 120 kV), L1 vertebral body trabeculation measuring less than 90-135 HU suggests osteoporosis, with higher values in this range being more sensitive and lower values being more specific 13.
A threshold of 169 HU is 90% sensitive, and a threshold of 104 HU is 90% specific for diagnosing osteoporosis 17.
Quantitative ultrasound of the calcaneal bone quality has emerged as a cost-efficient screening tool for osteoporosis 10. Such technological progress has made it possible to process the ultrasound signal (analysis of radio frequencies) - returning information about the microarchitecture of bone tissue, characterised by high sensitivity and specificity: it is the so-called radiofrequency echographic multi spectrometry (REMS) 14.
Bone marrow signal takes on a heterogeneous appearance with rounded focal fatty lesions replacing normal marrow with coalescence often occurring 5:
T1: heterogeneously hyperintense
T2: variable signal
Osteoporotic wedge compression fractures will alter signal characteristics depending on age.
Treatment and prognosis
Lifestyle management options include:
adequate dietary calcium
adequate vitamin D
smoking cessation
weight-bearing exercise
Pharmacological treatment options include 8,15,16:
oral: e.g. alendronate, risedronate
intravenous: e.g. zoledronic acid
RANKL inhibitor: denosumab
selective oestrogen receptor modulator: raloxifene
anabolic therapies:
As osteoporosis decreases bone strength, patients are at an increased risk of fracture, often with minimal trauma, and commonly at the pelvis, hip and wrist.
Bisphosphonates and denosumab have been associated with rare, but serious, side effects including bisphosphonate-related atypical femoral fractures and bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw.
Differential diagnosis
ochronosis - severe osteoporosis with intervertebral disc calcifications