Patella cubiti
Citation, DOI, disclosures and article data
Knipe H, Baba Y, Rivera-Melo H, et al. Patella cubiti. Reference article, (Accessed on 27 Mar 2025)
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At the time the article was created Henry Knipe had no recorded disclosures.
View Henry Knipe's current disclosures
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At the time the article was last revised Yahya Baba had no recorded disclosures.
View Yahya Baba's current disclosures
6 times, by
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- Os patella cubiti
- Os sesamoideum tricipitale
Patella cubiti, also known as os sesamoideum tricipitale is a very rare anomaly of the elbow, presenting as a sesamoid within the distal triceps brachii tendon. Its exact etiology is unknown with congenital, developmental and post-traumatic theories postulated 1.
On this page:
Clinical presentation
May be asymptomatic or present with limitation of movement of the elbow 2.
Radiographic features
Plain radiograph
- lateral elbow projection: has a similar appearance to the patella; well-corticated with smooth rounded edges with an otherwise normal elbow joint 1
Differential diagnosis
- non-union of an olecranon fracture
- non-union of olecranon epiphysis has been documented in skeletally immature patients 4
- 1. Mittal R, Sampath Kumar V, Gupta T. Patella cubiti: a case report and literature review. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2014;134 (4): 467-71. doi:10.1007/s00402-014-1926-7 - Pubmed citation
- 2. Ritchie AJ, Rocke LG. Spontaneous rupture of the triceps in the presence of a patella cubiti. Arch Emerg Med. 1990;7 (2): 114-7. Free text at pubmed - Pubmed citation
- 3. SYKES BJ. PATELLA CUBITI. Proc. R. Soc. Med. 1996;56: 896-7. Free text at pubmed - Pubmed citation
- 4. Pavlov H, Torg JS, Jacobs B et-al. Nonunion of olecranon epiphysis: two cases in adolescent baseball pitchers. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1981;136 (4): 819-20. doi:10.2214/ajr.136.4.819 - Pubmed citation
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