Preiser disease
Citation, DOI, disclosures and article data
Weerakkody Y, Bell D, Yap J, et al. Preiser disease. Reference article, (Accessed on 24 Mar 2025)
Article created:
At the time the article was created Yuranga Weerakkody had no recorded disclosures.
View Yuranga Weerakkody's current disclosures
Last revised:
At the time the article was last revised Daniel J Bell had no financial relationships to ineligible companies to disclose.
View Daniel J Bell's current disclosures
11 times, by
10 contributors -
see full revision history and disclosures
- Scaphoid AVN
- Avascular necrosis of the scaphoid
- Preiser's disease
- Scaphoid avascular necrosis
- Avascular necrosis of scaphoid
- Segmental AVN of scaphoid
- Kalainov classification
Preiser disease refers to idiopathic osteonecrosis of the scaphoid bone 1,2.
Kalainov classification divides Preiser disease into two categories according to degree of involvement of the scaphoid bone 3,5:
type 1: complete type, associated with poor outcome
type 2: partial/segmental type, associated with good outcome when compared to type 1
History and etymology
Idiopathic osteonecrosis of the scaphoid was first described by G Preiser in 1910 3,4.
Quiz questions
- 1. Imam S, Aldridge C, Lyall H. Bilateral Idiopathic Avascular Necrosis of the Scaphoid: A Rare Case of Preiser's Disease. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2009;91(10):1400-2. doi:10.1302/0301-620X.91B10.22498 - Pubmed
- 2. Connell D, Koulouris G, Thorn D, Potter H. Contrast-Enhanced MR Angiography of the Hand. Radiographics. 2002;22(3):583-99. doi:10.1148/radiographics.22.3.g02ma16583 - Pubmed
- 3. Kalainov D, Cohen M, Hendrix R, Sweet S, Culp R, Osterman A. Preiser's Disease: Identification of Two Patterns. J Hand Surg Am. 2003;28(5):767-78. doi:10.1016/s0363-5023(03)00260-0 - Pubmed
- 4. Preiser G. Eine typische posttraumatische und zur spontanfraktur führende ostitis des naviculare carpi. Fortschr Geb Roentgenstr. 1910;15:189–97.
- 5. Ishizaka K, Moriya K, Kuroda T, Koda H, Tsubokawa N, Maki Y. Treatment Selection and Characteristics of Patients With Preiser Disease. J Hand Surg Glob Online. 2024;6(4):567-70. doi:10.1016/j.jhsg.2024.04.014 - Pubmed
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- Four-corner fusion (wrist)
- Scaphoid non-union
- Proximal carpal row fracture-dislocation
- Non-united scaphoid fracture with proximal pole avascular necrosis
- Scaphoid waist fracture
- Scaphoid fracture - distal third
- Avascular necrosis - scaphoid non-union
- Scaphoid fracture nonunion
- Scaphoid proximal pole and lunate avascular necrosis
- Scaphoid fracture and avascular necrosis
- Non-united scaphoid fracture with avascular necrosis
- Scaphoid fracture and avascular necrosis
- Scaphoid fracture
- Non-united scaphoid fracture
- Avascular necrosis - scaphoid non-union
- Occult scaphoid fracture
- Scaphoid fracture
- Scaphoid fracture with AVN
- Avascular necrosis of scaphoid
- Scaphoid non-union
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