Proximal biceps tendon injuries refer to biceps injuries at the level of the shoulder and usually affect the long head biceps tendon. They comprise strains, partial and complete tears.
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Proximal biceps tendon injuries account for about 96% of all biceps injuries 1.
Risk factors
Conditions that account as predisposing factors for proximal biceps tendon injuries include the following:
advanced age
overhead activity
corticosteroid use
Proximal biceps tendon injuries are associated with other shoulder pathologies including:
The diagnosis of a proximal biceps tendon rupture can be established by a combination of clinical features and characteristic imaging findings.
Clinical presentation
Proximal biceps tendon injury is a common source of shoulder pain 1,2. Tendon rupture additionally results in elbow flexion and/or forearm supination weakness and might result in a characteristic ‘Popeye deformity’ with the muscle retracting and moving caudally 1.
The biarticular configuration and the high amount of fast-twitch (type II) muscle fibres of the biceps muscle are considered risk factors for biceps injury. The long head biceps tendon is most frequently affected by far 2.
The most common sites of proximal biceps tendon injury are 1:
tendon origin at the superior glenoid labrum
the musculotendinous junction at the exit of the bicipital groove
Radiographic features
Features that can help diagnose proximal biceps tendon ruptures include:
absence of the tendon or tendon retraction
fluid-filled tendon sheath
muscle oedema: non-specific
muscle atrophy: non-specific
Treatment and prognosis
Surgical treatment includes biceps tendon tenotomy or tenodesis.