The pseudokidney sign is a non-specific sonographic sign that describes the reniform shape of a mass with a hypoechoic region (representing bowel wall thickening) surrounding a central hyperechoic portion or echogenic stripe (which represents the apposition of the mucosal surfaces) 1,2.
It can be occasionally seen in healthy persons; however, detection of this characteristic pattern should raise the suspicion of a bowel lesion 2.
Although it was first described in colonic carcinoma, this sign has been also described in many other gastrointestinal diseases like intussusception (with the mesentery of the intussusceptum appearing as a central hyperechoic region and the entering and returning limbs of the intussusceptum appear as a surrounding hypoechoic region 1), gastrointestinal lymphoma, inflammatory colitis, necrotising enterocolitis, midgut volvulus, and sigmoid volvulus 2.