Radial hypoplasia belongs to the spectrum of radial ray anomalies. It is characterised underdevelopment or partial absence of the radius at birth.
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Radial hypoplasia occurs in approximately 1 in 30,000 live births 1.
Radial hypoplasia can be classified into different types according to the Bayne and Klug classification of radial dysplasia 2:
type I: short distal radius with present growth plate
type II: hypoplastic radius that is smaller and thinner than the ulna, with an absent growth plate
type III: radius is present proximally with partial absence distally
type IV: completely absent radius (common)
Radiographic features
Shortened or hypoplastic radius.
Plain radiograph
Findings include:
complete absence of the radius
radial deviation of the wrist and hand, giving the appearance of a "club hand"
ulnar bowing or curvature
thumb hypoplasia or aplasia
carpal bone anomalies