Rituximab-induced interstitial lung disease (R-ILD) or rituximab pneumonitis is a rare non-infectious pulmonary side effect of the monoclonal CD20 antibody rituximab used in therapy for certain oncological/hematological and rheumatological disorders.
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Since solely based on casuistic reports, small series and two reviews 4,5 the true incidence of this entity is unknown. However, with the number of case reports growing rapidly, it is very likely under-recognized 5.
Reports indicate a mean age of ~65 years (43–80) with male preponderance with a ratio of 2:1. The elderly appear more at risk.
Of today, the most common indication for rituximab is non-Hodgkin lymphomas, particularly diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.
Clinical presentation
It presents most frequently after a month, although it may present acutely (within hours) as well as chronically (within weeks/months). Importantly, ~20% of patients maybe totally asymptomatic.
The most common presenting symptoms include 4,5,7:
dyspnea (~75%)
fever (~40%)
cough (~30%), characteristically dry, non-productive
skin rash
Possible signs comprise:
restrictive pattern in pulmonary function tests
diffuse inspiratory crackles
As a human/mouse chimeric monoclonal antibody reacting specifically with the CD20 antigen expressed on >95% of normal and malignant B cell, rituximab induces complement-mediated and antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity. It revolutionised treatment of B-cell lymphomas at the end of 1990s and is being tried in other conditions, e.g. neuromyelitis optica.
Unfortunately, the pathophysiology behind rituximab-induced interstitial lung disease is not well understood. Although some pulmonary side effects were reported in phase II and phase III studies, severe and potentially fatal complications were not evident before widespread clinical use 1,4-7.
The reported range of changes comprises 4:
Radiographic features
Imaging abnormalities may precede the onset of symptoms.
Plain radiograph
Diffuse bilateral lung infiltrates.
CT and especially HRCT almost invariably depict ground glass opacities with additional findings in some cases:
Nuclear medicine
Findings in CT part as described above, typically FDG-avid, indicative of neutrophil activation. FDG-PET/CT may be preferable 4,6 and advantageous also because of its recommendation in clinical routine for staging and treatment assessment in most lymphomas.
Treatment and prognosis
Although spontaneous recovery is possible and treatment with corticosteroids usually leads to a rapid improvement (~70%), rituximab-induced interstitial lung disease may be fatal in ~20% of cases. The withdrawal of the drug may be the safest way of treatment 3,4.
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnoses include pulmonary infections or other forms of interstitial lung disease 8. Bronchoalveolar lavage and transbronchial or open lung biopsy (video-assisted thoracoscopic (VATS)) may aid in establishing diagnosis and subtype.
Practical points
rituximab-induced interstitial lung disease should be considered in any patient developing respiratory symptoms or new radiographic changes while receiving rituximab