Visibility: public vs unlisted

Changed by Daniel J Bell, 26 Oct 2017

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Visibility: public vs. unlisted
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The visibility of cases and playlists can be controlled by contributing author.

Public cases and public playlists are visible to all visitors to and are indexed by search engines. Public cases are also returned as search results within 

Unlisted cases and unlisted playlists are only visible to the user who created them when logged in. They are not indexed by search engines nor are they returned in search results. They can be shared with others using an unguessable URL via the 'share' button (top right of case pages).

Note: the visibility of a verified institution's page has no effect on the visibility of a user's case. In other words, a public case that is also collected in a private institution's case library remains public elsewhere on the site. 

Draft cases are cases you are working on. They cannot be shared with others, cannot be included in playlists or articles and will not be shown to visitors or returned in search results. 

Visibility to editorial team

Although draft cases and unlisted cases and playlists are not visible to the public they are visible to the editorial team. Furthermore, when a case changes from draft to unlisted status, it also undergoes moderation by our editorial team to ensure that patient details and copyright infringements are not present. 

  • -<p>The <strong>visibility</strong> of cases and playlists can be controlled by contributing author.</p><p><a href="/articles/public-cases">Public cases</a> and <a href="/articles/public-playlists">public playlists</a> are visible to all visitors to and are indexed by search engines. Public cases are also returned as search results within </p><p><a href="/articles/unlisted-cases">Unlisted cases</a> and <a href="/articles/unlisted-playlists">unlisted playlists</a> are only visible to the user who created them when logged in. They are not indexed by search engines nor are they returned in search results. They can be shared with others using an unguessable URL via the 'share' button (top right of case pages).</p><p><strong>Note:</strong> the visibility of a <a href="/articles/institutions">verified institution's page</a> has no effect on the visibility of a user's case. In other words, a public case that is also collected in a private institution's case library remains public elsewhere on the site. </p><p><a href="/articles/draft-cases">Draft cases</a> are cases you are working on. They cannot be shared with others, cannot be included in playlists or articles and will not be shown to visitors or returned in search results. </p><h4>Visibility to editorial team</h4><p>Although draft cases and unlisted cases and playlists are not visible to the public they are visible to the <a title="editorial team" href="/editors">editorial team</a>. Furthermore, when a case changes from draft to unlisted status, it also undergoes moderation by our editorial team to ensure that patient details and copyright infringements are not present. </p>
  • +<p>The <strong>visibility</strong> of cases and playlists can be controlled by contributing author.</p><p><a href="/articles/public-cases">Public cases</a> and <a href="/articles/public-playlists">public playlists</a> are visible to all visitors to and are indexed by search engines. Public cases are also returned as search results within </p><p><a href="/articles/unlisted-cases">Unlisted cases</a> and <a href="/articles/unlisted-playlists">unlisted playlists</a> are only visible to the user who created them when logged in. They are not indexed by search engines nor are they returned in search results. They can be shared with others using an unguessable URL via the 'share' button (top right of case pages).</p><p>Note: the visibility of a <a href="/articles/institutions">verified institution's page</a> has no effect on the visibility of a user's case. In other words, a public case that is also collected in a private institution's case library remains public elsewhere on the site. </p><p><a href="/articles/draft-cases">Draft cases</a> are cases you are working on. They cannot be shared with others, cannot be included in playlists or articles and will not be shown to visitors or returned in search results. </p><h4>Visibility to editorial team</h4><p>Although draft cases and unlisted cases and playlists are not visible to the public they are visible to the <a href="/editors">editorial team</a>. Furthermore, when a case changes from draft to unlisted status, it also undergoes moderation by our editorial team to ensure that patient details and copyright infringements are not present. </p>

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