How many sacs are seen? What type of multifetal pregnancy is seen in the case?
Two gestation sacs are well seen, with three yolk sacs, confirming a triplet gestation.
What is Ipsilon zone?
Ipsilon zone is formed by three amniotic membranes of a triamniotic triplet pregnancy. It may help determining the chorionicity of triplet pregnancy, and is equivalent of 'twin peak' sign.
Fetus A and Fetus B share the same gestational sac, with no intervening membrane visualised. However two separate yolk sacs are present, and this is highly suggestive of a monochorionic diamniotic gestation.
Fetus C is in a separate gestational sac, and is hence the dichorionic diamniotic sibling of Fetuses A and B.
Gestational age 6 weeks and 1 day.