The arthroscopic exploration of the knee found:  

  • a few post-operative fibrous bands in the suprapatellar recess with otherwise unremarkable femoropatellar joint

  • a bucket handle tear of the medial meniscus involving the middle and posterior part dislocated in the intercondylar notch, but no chondral lesion of the medial femorotibial compartment

  • a continuous and viable, but elongated anterior cruciate ligament graft in a good position with no firm endpoint Lachman test and positive pivot shift test which explains the preoperative testing

  • no meniscal injury or chondral lesion in the lateral femorotibial compartment

  • otherwise no intra-articular foreign body and no synovitis

The exploration was followed-up by the following procedural steps:

  • medial meniscal suture

  • modified Lemaire lateral extra-articular tenodesis with removal of a strip of the iliotibial band

  • removal of the femoral screw
