Tibial nerve schwannoma

Case contributed by Utkarsh Kabra
Diagnosis probable


Pain at posterior and lateral aspect of leg; suspected peroneal nerve abnormality.

Patient Data

Age: 50 years
Gender: Male

Ovoid altered signal intensity lesion with possible areas of necrosis / cystic degeneration and hemorrhage is seen along tibial nerve at the level of distal shaft of femur. It measures approx. 16 x 15 x 16mm (AP x TD x CC). Tibial nerve is mildly thickened proximally as well as distally to the lesion.

Subtle edema is seen in visualized muscles of posterior compartment of the leg.

Visualized course of common peroneal nerve appears normal.

Linear hyperintensity is seen in posterior horn medial meniscus not intersecting with articular margins (Grade 2 signal).

Irregularity and partial thinning of cartilage is seen along articular aspects of both tibial condyles and anterior periarticular aspects of medial femoral condyle with focal areas of subtle subchondral marrow edema.

Focal fissuring of articular cartilage is seen along medial articular facet of patella with subtle subchondral marrow edema. Thickened medial patellar plica is seen adjacent to it.

Note is made of small hyperintense lesion, measuring approx. 6mm in posterior aspects of distal shaft of femur, likely enchondroma (incidental finding).

Case Discussion

The shape and signal intensity of the lesion along tibial nerve is suggestive of a neurogenic tumor, likely schwannoma.

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