Cerebral cavernous venous malformation

Case contributed by Ahmad Alomari
Diagnosis certain


The patient presented to the emergency department with dizziness, no history of trauma.

Patient Data

Age: 35 years
Gender: Male

There is a well defined hyperdense lesion noted in the right centrum semiovale measuring about 0.7 x 0.4 cm, with no surrounding edema, likely suggesting a cavernoma.

A small well-defined rounded lesion Is seen in the periventricular white matter of right frontal lobe adjacent to the right lateral ventricle showing faint mixed hyper and hypointense signal intensity on T2/FLAIR with marked blooming artifact on T2*WI/SWI suggesting type 2 cavernoma.

 Otherwise, normal cerebral and cerebellar parenchyma.

Case Discussion

This represents the typical findings of type 2 cavernoma according to Zabramski classification, and it is commonly encountered incidentally.

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