The MRI demonstrates complex anatomy. It confirms the presence of a single obstructed uterus, cervix, and upper vagina. No lower vagina is identified (see sagittal views).
There is also a right haematosalpinx. Both ovaries are present and normal in appearance.
No normal right renal tissue is identified. There are multiple cystic structures within the right flank, and a tubular structure which inserts into the right inferolateral aspect of the dilated cervix/upper vagina. This tubular structure passes superiorly towards the right flank cysts. Although a definite connection is not visualised, this most likely represents an ectopic right ureter, and the right flank cysts an involuted multicystic dysplastic kidney.
The ectopic ureter and right flank cysts are bright on the T1 fat sat sequences, suggesting they also contain blood products, most likely refluxed from the haematometrocolpos via the ectopic ureter.
There is a small volume of free blood and fluid within the pelvis.
Normal left kidney and bladder.