Pediatric spinal epidermoid cyst

Case contributed by Saurabh Rakesh Dembla
Diagnosis almost certain


Pain in the lower back and sacral region since 3-4 years. No history of bowel/ bladder involvement with normal developmental milestones. Normal physical examination. No evidence of sinus tract or external cutaneous opening overlying the sacral region.

Patient Data

Age: 5 years
Gender: Male

MRI shows the presence of a well-defined intradural extramedullary cystic lesion in the lumbar region of the spinal canal. The lesion is hyperintense on T2 weighted and STIR sequences, hypointense on T1 weighted images, and shows post-contrast enhancement of the wall. The hyperintense signal is suppressed on FLAIR and the lesion shows restricted diffusion. Features are suggestive of an epidermoid cyst in the lumbar spinal canal.

Case Discussion

Spinal epidermoid tumors are rare, comprising of less than 1% of tumors involving the spine and about 10% of intraspinal tumors in children 1,2. Spinal epidermoid tumors or cysts are typically intradural extramedullary & most commonly seen in the lumbar spine 3,4.

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