Right shoulder trauma.
Patient Data

Avulsed cortical bone of the right greater tuberosity at the attachment of the supraspinatus tendon with underlying altered bone marrow signal being of low T1 and high T2/PD fs signals.
Abnormal intrasubstance increased fluid signal and thickening along the course of the supraspinatus tendon related to tendinosis associated with subacromial/subdeltoid bursitis.
Decreased subacromial space with thickening of the coracoacromial ligament which may indicate the background of subacromial impingement).
The bifid biceps tendon is in the bicipital groove.
Mild osteoarthritic changes of the acromioclavicular joint.
Subcoracoid bursae measuring about 15 x 30 mm are seen.
Acromion type II is seen.
Case Discussion
Regarding the patient history and imaging findings, humeral greater tuberosity avulsion fracture and supraspinatus tendinosis is the final diagnosis.