Right arm painful swelling along with fever for the last few days. No trauma.
Patient Data

There is a collection with mobile internal echoes in the biceps brachii muscle. It shows irregular margins and a few thick septa. There is local hypervascularity. It measures about 42 x 21 x 13 mm (7 ccs). The long head of the biceps tendon is intact. There is edema in the short head of the biceps. The distal biceps tendon is intact. The patent brachial artery and median nerve are medial to the lesion. There is a reactive lymph node along with the neurovascular bundle.
Case Discussion
A girl presented with a painful arm swelling which was associated with fever. The clinical diagnosis was an abscess. The ultrasound shows an abscess in the biceps brachii muscle. Incision and drain were done which revealed pus. The culture revealed Escherichia coli as a causative organism.