Epigastric pain and vomiting. Preceding history of fever 10 days ago.
Patient Data

The pancreas appears mildly bulky and oedematous with peripancreatic inflammatory changes and fluid collection. No evidence of pancreatic/peripancreatic necrosis was seen. Mild ascites. Mild gall bladder wall oedema and periportal oedema, likely reactive.
Suggestive of acute interstitial oedematous pancreatitis (modified CT severity index 6/10).

Anti-hepatitis A (HAV) IgM was positive at 2.05.
Case Discussion
The serum amylase and lipase of this patient were very high and the anti-HAV IgM antibody was positive.
Viral infection is one of the most common causes of pancreatitis in the paediatric age group.
Co-author: Dr. Vivek Ranjan (Consultant paediatrician).