Alobar holoprosenencephaly
Diagnosis certain
Updates to Case Attributes
changed from Black/African American to .
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Enlarged head and hydrocephalus suspected clinically. Holoprosenencephaly suspected on ultrasound (not shown)
Diagnostic Certainty
was set to
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The imaging findings are(which were also suspected on the antenatal ultrasound) are typical of alobar holoprosenencephalyholoprosencephaly.
Updates to Study Attributes
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There is absence of normal midline structures and most of the parietal and posterior cortex.
The small presentSmall frontal cortex isusedpresent, with no evidence of midline fissure.- The
Thalamithalami are fused. -
Large mono-ventricleand a large monoventricle is present. -
CerebellumCerebellum andbrain stem is lookingbrainstem appear withinnormalnormal limits