Unilateral neck swelling and low-grade fever.
Patient Data

Multiple enlarged lymph nodes with central hypoechoic areas and irregular inner margins are seen on ultrasound scan on right side of the neck anterior to the common carotid artery.The largest one measures about (3.19x2.60) cm.
Multiple enlarged lymph nodes were seen in the anterior cervical chain and submental regions.
Colour Doppler shows mild increase in vascularity in the peripheral part while the central part of the node is avascular, indicating necrosis.

Enlarged lymph nodes in the anterior cervical chain anterior to the right common carotid artery and submental area.

Cytology report:
Specimen from: Right lower anterior cervical lymph nodes.
Microscopic examination: Smears show plenty of neutrophils, many lymphocytes and some groups of epithelioid cells with abundant caseous necrotic materials.
No malignant cells are seen.
Diagnosis: Granulomatous lymphadenitis with superadded suppuration. Cytologically tuberculous.
Case Discussion
Young female patient presented with unilateral neck swelling, mild pain, and low-grade fever for 3 months. On ultrasound, enlarged lymph nodes were found, few of them having central necrosis.
Biopsy from cervical lymph nodes reveals tubercular granuloma with central caseating necrosis.