Dandy-Walker malformation with dysgenesis of the corpus callosum and arachnoid cyst
Increased head circumference with axial hypotonia.
Patient Data

MRI sequences demonstrate an enlarged posterior fossa with cystic dilatation of the 4th ventricle, communicating with an enlarged posterior peri-cerebellar space through a vermian hypoplasia. Mild anterolateral displacement of the cerebellar hemispheres. Dilatation of the 3rd, and lateral ventricles with dysgenesis of the corpus callosum. Extra-axial cystic lesion of CSF signal on all sequences is noted in the left middle cerebral fossa (arachnoid cyst).
Case Discussion
Classic features of a Dandy-Walker malformation with associated hydrocephalus, dysgenesis of the corpus callosum, and arachnoid cyst.
Additional contributor: Karima Chennaf, radiographer CIM "Aurès" Batna, Algeria