Dizziness and a fall resulting in head impact on a hard surface, with no focal neurological symptoms observed.
Patient Data

Agenesis of the corpus callosum is characterized by:
the radial arrangement of hemispheric sulci extending toward the roof of the third ventricle, creating the "sunray sign" on the midsagittal plane
widely spaced, parallel orientation of the bodies of the lateral ventricles with narrow frontal horns, known as the "race car sign"
narrow frontal horns combined with dilation of the occipital horns and triangular configuration of the occipital bones, producing the "moose antlers sign" or "Viking helmet sign"
Chronic small vessel disease with bilateral patchy white matter changes are also noted (Fazekas 1).
Swelling and subcutaneous hematoma in the soft tissues of the forehead, right cheekbone, and nose are observed.
No evidence of cerebral stroke. No abnormalities are detected in intracranial vessels on MRA.
Case Discussion
This case demonstrates the characteristic imaging findings of complete agenesis of the corpus callosum.
It was discovered incidentally, and since there were no clinical symptoms, no further treatment was recommended.