A young male with a known history of chronic sinusitis presented with nasal mass
Patient Data

CT shows a toothlike bony structure with a pulp cavity in the hard palate which extends to the right inferior nasal cavity (ectopic tooth). There is well-defined curvilinear calcified/ossified lesion suggestive of a rhinolith at the right inferior nasal cavity.
There is also almost complete obliteration of the right frontal sinus, right ethmoid air cells and right maxillary sinus with soft tissue attenuation, possible fungal sinusitis or sinonasal polyposis.
The nasal septum deviated to the left.
No evidence of bony destruction.
Case Discussion
Nasal ectopic teeth result from the eruption of supernumerary teeth. Patients can be asymptomatic and may present with a variety of symptoms. On radiograph and CT toothlike or tooth-equivalent attenuation and density with centrally located pulp cavity are highly discriminative findings that help confirm the diagnosis.