Right shoulder trauma, pain, and movement limitation
Patient Data

Comminuted articular split fracture of the right upper humerus. Fracture of the surgical neck (SN) and disruption of the normally smooth contour of the articular surface. Comminuted fracture right humeral head. Posterior inferior dislocation of the humeral head which is impacted against the posterior glenoid. Bone marrow edema (contusion) seen within upper humeral bone displaying high signal on PD, stir sequence.
A partial-thickness tear of the supraspinatus tendon displays a high intrasubstance signal on PD and STIR. Supraspinatus tendon is seen retracted medially caused by medial fractured humeral head.
Displacement of the inferior glenohumeral ligament seen stretched by the displaced humeral head. Anterosuperior labrum tear with no detachment or separation.
Case Discussion
Comminuted articular split fracture of the right upper humerus.