Glioblastoma NOS

Case contributed by Maxymyshyn Nazar
Diagnosis almost certain


Patient complains on headacke for 6 month, dizziness

Patient Data

Age: 55 years
Gender: Male

Axial CT scan shows an ill-defined heterogeneous (mostly cystic) mass in the parietal and temporal lobe of the left cerebral hemisphere with mild perifocal oedema.

After IV administration of contrast mass shows peripheral (rim) enhancement with multiple cystic areas in the central part.

Case Discussion

Histopathology shows poorly differentiated, pleomorphic astrocytic cells with marked nuclear atypia. Diagnosis: Glioblastoma

Note: IDH mutation status is not provided in this case and according to the current (2016) WHO classification of CNS tumours, this tumour would, therefore, be designated as a glioblastoma NOS

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