The patient presents following a low-velocity motor vehicle accident. Incidental finding.
Patient Data

There are no acute post-traumatic bony abnormalities and no joint effusion.
There is a tophus with irregular calcification within the olecranon bursa and no associated olecranon bone erosion or destruction.
There is minimal lateral condylar erosion.

There are no post-traumatic bony abnormalities. There is a suprapatellar effusion.
There is periarticular soft tissue swelling with dense tophi within the supra and infrapatellar bursae, medial and lateral periarticular soft tissues and popliteal fossa.
There are no large bone erosions. There is background degenerative change.
Case Discussion
There are no acute post-traumatic bony injuries. The patient confirmed a history of chronic gout.
X-rays demonstrate multifocal, dense, tophi with calcification and likely crystal deposition within the left olecranon bursa and extensively involving the left knee. There are no significant bone erosions.
Case courtesy of Dr S. Mbonane-Nxumalo