Road traffic accident, neck pain, no neurological deficit.
Patient Data

Bilateral pars fractures of C2 seen on the lateral projections.

Bilateral traumatic spondylolysis (pars fracture) of C2 in keeping with a Hangman's fracture.
On the right, the fracture extends to the right pedicle and right foramen transversarium.
Although a profound injury, yet no anterior dislocation but rather a subtle anterior subluxation of C2/3.

Fracture line seen again.
No evidence of cord contusion or oedema.
Case Discussion
Traumatic pars fractures (spondylolysis) of C2 extending into right foramen transversarium in keeping with a Hangman's fracture (Levine and Edwards type II). Unfortunately, this was not followed by a contrast study to assess the right vertebral artery. However, the patient was neurologically free and stable as she walked through to do plain film. Subsequent MRI shows no cord contusion/oedema.