Hodgkin lymphoma

Case contributed by Dalia Ibrahim , 30 May 2021
Diagnosis certain
Changed by Matt A. Morgan, 3 Jun 2021

Updates to Case Attributes

Title was changed:
Lymphoma-PET-CTHodgkin lymphoma
Age changed from 46 years to 45 years.
Body was changed:

FDG PET-CT  is used for the initial staging and assessment of treatment response in Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) and certain types of non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL)

FDG-PET PET-CT is used for staging and re-staging of lymphoma.

  • -<p><a href="/articles/positron-emission-tomography">FDG PET-CT</a>  is used for the initial staging and assessment of treatment response in <a href="/articles/hodgkin-lymphoma">Hodgkin lymphoma (HL)</a> and certain types of <a href="/articles/non-hodgkin-lymphoma">non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL)</a>. </p><p>FDG-PET is used for <a href="/articles/deauville-five-point-scale">staging and re-staging of lymphoma</a>.</p>
  • +<p><a href="/articles/positron-emission-tomography">FDG PET-CT</a>  is used for the initial staging and assessment of treatment response in <a href="/articles/hodgkin-lymphoma">Hodgkin lymphoma (HL)</a> and certain types of <a href="/articles/non-hodgkin-lymphoma">non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL)</a>. </p><p>FDG PET-CT is used for <a href="/articles/deauville-five-point-scale">staging and re-staging of lymphoma</a>.</p>

Systems changed:

  • Oncology

Tags changed:

  • lymphoma

Updates to Link Attributes

Title was removed:
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Updates to Link Attributes

Title was removed:
Lymphoma PET-CT
Type was removed.
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Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

Metabolically active FDG avid  variable-avid variable sized Lymphlymph nodes are seen including, including:


  • Cervicalcervical: Bilateralbilateral upper and lower deep cervical lymph nodes (more extensive at left side) with SUVmaxSUVmax 15.6 over 1.6 cm as measures inmeasured on the left at level IV.


  • Leftleft axillary level I with SUVmaxSUVmax 15.6 over 2.2x1.2 x 1.1 cm.


  • mediastinal: Mediastinal: pre-vascular, pre-tracheal, aortopulmonary, subcarinal, right tracheo-bronchial , cardiophrenic and epiphrenic lymph nodes with SUVmaxSUVmax 8.4 over 1.9 cm as recorded at right tracheobronchial nodes
  • .

    Abdominalabdominal:portocaval, porta-hepatis hepatis, perisplenic, peripancreatic, aorto-caval, retro-cruralretrocrural and mesenteric with SUVmaxSUVmax 13.8 over 3.2x1.2 x 1.8 cm in perisplenic.

  • Spleenspleen:Mildlymildly enlarged with patchy FDG uptake with SUVmaxSUVmax 6.4.

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