Patient Data

Short 15 mm tubing extends from the medial inferior right orbit to the right nasal cavity. Bone resection of the medial orbit is in keeping with prior dacryocystorhinostomy. Globes are intact. No retrobulbar haematoma.
Near-complete opacification of both maxillary sinuses with a hyperattenuating material within and associated mucoperiosteal thickening. Further opacification of the left sphenoid sinus. Remainder of paranasal sinuses are well-aerated. Paranasal sinus opacification is new compared to CT from 7 years earlier.
(The brain was normal)
Case Discussion
A Lester Jones tube (LJT) is a lacrimal bypass tube used after dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) has failed for the treatment of obstruction of the lacrimal drainage apparatus.